⏰️ Tracardi Office Hours 7 - Essential Customer Profiling Techniques to Help you Get Inside Your Customers' Heads
💥 Join us for a fascinating conversation about the future of the customer journey experience with Tracardi.

Top key takeaways from our ⏰️ Tracardi Office Hours conversation.
- Understanding customer journeys - Identify the sequences that customers go through, from awareness to consideration and purchase.
- Machine learning models - AI led to the idea for Tracardi.
- Product matching - AI models can help find similar products.
- Customer profiling - Meta data about content makes it easier to find substitutes or similar content.
- CDP value proposition - Data is key for enhancing customer experiences.
- Customisable widgets - In Tracardi widgets that can used on the web to get event data and are fully customisable.
- Gratitude and fun - Officehours are a great way to learn about Tracardi.
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What are some common pain points you've faced when trying to understand customer journeys or match content from different sources?