⏰️ Tracardi Office Hours 13 - Unlocking the Power of Customer Profiles
Ideas about how to supercharge engagement with customer profiles 💥
Ideas about how to supercharge engagement with customer profiles 💥
💡 Learn how intergrating a vector database with Tracardi can revolutionise customer experiences with personalised recommendations and intent analysis.
Discover tips for maximizing customer ecommerce engagement: From harnessing the power of machine learning to crafting personalised experiences with interest vectors, and more! 💡
🔥 A composable API-first customer data platform can help you do more with your budget to surface hidden insights about audience to customer behavior at scale.
🤔 Sneak peek at the new features and improvements, migration tips , plus chat about the state of Tracardi.
🚀 Unlocking new possibilities with custom plugins.
💥 Join us for a fascinating conversation about the future of the customer journey experience with Tracardi.
💡Tracardi is revolutionising data management. From scalability and API-first approach, to AI integration and community-driven development.
✨ Help with mastering CDP basics, compliance, data management and customer experience.
🚀 Discover the top key takeaways from our Tracardi Office Hours conversation! Learn about merging data, webhooks, custom event types, event tagging and the upcoming timeline for automated profile merging.
💥 Introducing new data storage changes that will revolutionize your data management plus more!
🚀 Get Ready for Lift-Off: 🎉 New Release Candidate Revealed! 💥
💡 Learn more about Tracardi consents and destinations.