⏰️ Tracardi Office Hours 5 - Walkthrough for Starting a Data-Driven Customer Engagement Strategy plus More

✨ Help with mastering CDP basics, compliance, data management and customer experience.

⏰️ Tracardi Office Hours 5 - Walkthrough for Starting a Data-Driven Customer Engagement Strategy plus More

Top key takeaways from our ⏰️ Tracardi Office Hours conversation.

  1. Getting started - How to organise consent, identification and interests.
  2. Compliance and data management - Discussion of compliance issues when dealing with sensitive data, especially when it's spread across different systems.
  3. Customer experience - The importance of having a great customer experience is highlighted, including acknowledging conversations and keeping track of where customers are in the process.
  4. Playing with new features - Checkout new features and provide feedback, which will help shape Tracardi's development.
  5. Building a QA database 💡: They plan to collect and organize the conversations from their office hours and Slack channel to create a database of Q&A pairs, which can then be used to train AI models like ChatGPT.

Share your thoughts, ask questions, and let's get the discussion started!

Want to play with new features and help shape Tracardi's development? We'd love to hear your feedback and ideas!