⏰️ Tracardi Office Hours 1 - Chat about Consents and Destinations

💡 Learn more about Tracardi consents and destinations.

⏰️ Tracardi Office Hours 1 - Chat about Consents and Destinations

Top key takeaways from our ⏰️ Tracardi Office Hours conversation.

  1. Consents: How consents work.
  2. Destinations: How destinations work.
  3. Using plugins and code: Use existing plugins as a starting point and tweak the code to make it work with your own destination requirements.
  4. Help with understanding how the Tracardi system works: Learnings for how the system works to assist with getting more data and insights about your customers.
  5. Community support: Tracardi has a community forum on slack where you can get help and support from others - to join reach out.

Join the conversation, what's your favorite takeaway from this conversation? Do you have any questions or insights to share about using Tracardi consents or destinations? Share your thoughts in the comments below! 💬